Automate your Ecommerce and increase your sales potential gives you all the tools you need to scale your business, boost your shop's conversion rates, and crush your revenue goals.
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Abandoned Campagins

Bring back abandoned users with win back campaigns

On average 70% of customers are lost, and 97% of new users leave a site without making a purchase. Imagine the possibilities if you could win back customers, and increase your purchases. With we make it possible.
Filter, export, and drilldown on the data quickly
Save, schedule, and automate reports to your inbox
Connect the tools you already use with 100+ integrations

Crush your revenue goals and grow faster

Automate your ecommerce to increase conversion at every step of the customer journey.

Don’t just take our word for it

See what our amazing ecommerce customers who are growing faster are saying.
" specialists were invaluable support both in the technical implementation and later in specific solutions and automation. Their flexibility, speed of action, recommendations, knowledge supported by experience in the industry - this is how I would sum up the team in a few words."
Kamila Kamińska
E-commerce Marketing Manager, Carrefour
We’ve been delighted working with, even in the early stages together they were able to get us double the results of our expectations with simple scenarios and workflows. Together and with such great specialists, our only limit is imagination.
Kamil Rentflejsz
Digital & E-commerce Marketing Manager, LG
At Kubota, we strongly believe that people matter the most, and thanks to and the marketing automation specialist who helps us achieve our goals, we can build meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships with our customers and respond better to their needs.
Joanna Kwiatkowska
Vice CEO & Sales Director, Kubota
"We were able to build a great email follow-up sequence with and solve having to manually send thousands of emails a month after a quote, and this sequence helps like crazy with personalization that we can focus on speaking to the best customers and automating the rest."
David Grass
General Manager, Cotecno
Standard Features

See what comes standard in

Powerful, self-serve email marketing to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by thousands of companies.

Product Recommendations

Use cutting-edge technology and offer the most likely personalized recommendations to increase the cart value with your products for cross-selling.

User Tracking

Utilize tracking combined with automation to prime customers for higher cart values - send educational engagement based on touchpoints.

Bring-back & Replenishment

Turn repeatable purchases into automated tasks. Send automatic communication based on cycles or order gap analysis that best fits your audience.

Email For Any Business

Send lead nurturing, onboarding or ecommerce emails. Regardless of your of business model your emails always hit the right target with the proper content.

Opens, clicks and unsubscribes

See who opens, clicks and unsubscribes from your emails. All this information is visible in user-profiles and can be used as a trigger for further automations.

Drag & Drop Builder

Easy to create various campaigns, simply by dragging appropriate sections onto the canvas and change what you need.

Grow your business automatically

Don't waste time on repetitive tasks. Let automations handle it.
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