Personalized and custom tailored emails

Use our powerful targeted tool to create and trigger email campaigns - on a mass or individual scale.
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Personalized Email

Individualized emails with personal precision

Utilize defined snippet tags to make your message more specific to the person. Add in a receiver’s first name and unique website history to bypass landing in the spambox.
“We first purchased to do email marketing, but now we are continuing to notice that you help us in every single avenue, from sales, to automations, to even increasing our revenue, by helping us directly provide relevant content, which is win/win for everyone involved.”
Darrah Caughey, educations
Learn more

Plan your agenda and set up future promos

Measure what matters with easy-to-use reports. You can filter, export, and drilldown on the data in a couple clicks.
Filter, export, and drilldown on the email data quickly
Save, schedule, and automate reports to your inbox
Connect the tools you already use with 100+ integrations

Match the perfect email to the appropriate person

See how can improve your email marketing
✔ GDPR & CCPA-compliant  ✔ Dedicated Customer Support
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Analytics Module

See the bigger picture
in real-time

Our analytics module lets you track open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribes. See all the analytical results of your campaigns instantly.
"Since we started working with we have tripled our email list to 75 thousands users and made email marketing one of the most important marketing channels. We were mainly looking for customer engagement tools but now we as well use the CRM and are ready to implement next modules soon. Truly all-in-one."
Marcin Jodłowski, DobryMechanik
Learn more
Fully Customizable

Customizable piece of art

Our drag & drop editor is the best way to create charming and personalized emails. Use our library of ready-to-use layouts or import your custom creations using ZIP files or with the HTML editor.

Fully GDPR compliant

Send emails only to the people who agreed on marketing consent.
Manage it easily with tags or lists feature.
Standard Features

See what comes standard in

Powerful, self-serve email marketing to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by thousands of companies.

Gmail Integration

Connect your inbox with and see al the emails you get from prospects right in their profile timelines.


In case you have your own SMTP, you can connect it with and send emails via our application.

Drag & Drop Builder

All you need to create email structure is to drag appropriate sections onto the canvas.

Email for all businesses

Send lead nurturing, onboarding or ecommerce emails. Regardless of your of business model your emails always hit the right target with the proper content.

Opens, clicks and unsubscribes

See who opens, clicks and unsubscribes from your emails. All this information is visible in user-profiles and can be used as a trigger for further automations.

A/B Tests

Send different versions of your email messages and get a report about their effectiveness.

Grow your business automatically

Don't waste time on repetitive tasks. Let automations handle it.
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