Lesson Info

Import products from .xml (product feeds)

In this video you'll learn how to import product feeds aligned with Google Merchant Center specifications. We'll discuss all required attributes and show how to perform the import from XML.
Import all specific details about your ecommerce products from the product feeds.
A product feed is a file that contains different information pieces about products you sell.
We support product feed’s import from an XML file.

Lesson Transcript

User.com makes it possible to import all specific details about your ecommerce products from the product feeds.

A product feed is a file that contains different information pieces about products you sell.

It is structured in a way that for each unique product you offer there is a group of attributes describing it.

We support product feed’s import from an XML file.

Important note: user.com accepts only product feeds aligned with Google Merchant Center specifications.

If you do not have product feeds that way, you should add your products details to user.com through a .csv import.

So let’s explore now what Google Merchant Center specs are.

One of the ways you can use to create your product feed in Google Merchant Center is to set up products attributes and its values in Google Sheets.

For that you’ll need a special add-on.

Then, from the GMC feeds section you click add new, select language and name for the feed, and a new predefined feed has been created.

Here you need to add your products, along with additional information pieces about them.

The majority of those attributes over here are compulsory and always required by Google Merchant Center.

There are however exceptions for some of them.

The easiest way to quickly find out what information pieces have to be added is going to the tab .

We have here an ID so a unique identifier of your product, can be SKU’s number; then title and description; condition is required for used / second-hand items but optional for new products; price which is a number, then availability which is compulsory and you should specify here whether an item is “in stock”, “out of stock” or available for “preorder”, the next one is link where you basically need to add the full URL of your product webpage; Then there is image link which is the URL of your product’s main image and required; followed by GTIN and MPN.

GTIN is Global Trade Item Number and required for all products with a GTIN assigned by a manufacturer.

MPN is a Manufacturer Part Number which is used to uniquely identify a specific product among all products from the same manufacturer.

(an exemption from GTIN and MPN may be for example handmade craftwork, custom t-shirts or art pieces).

Brand, whenever there exists one, is required but may be skipped if there is no clearly associated one or a product is custom-made.

And Goggle product category, which is always optional but indicates the category of your item based on the Google product taxonomy.

You can find it online on Google support websites.

If you don’t assign any category here, Google will do that automatically.

You can also add many other optional attributes and their list is available on GMC website.

Remember that to comply with GMC specifications (and thus with user.com requirements for product feeds), the attribute names have to be the same as suggested by Google.

I’ve created my first product feed with items available in my online store.

I deleted attributes I don’t need and now I’m using GMC add-on for Google Sheets, so I can upload the ready file to the Google Merchant Center easily from here.

When you have your product feed ready, create an .xml out of it, and then you need to copy the URL of your XML location.

Iin the user.com app go to Settings -> App Settings -> Products and then “Product feeds”.

Then we need to “Add a feed” and add the feed’s name, description and, most importantly - the feed’s URL.

After saving, all the products will appear in the Products section.

A great thing about product feeds is that they’re synchronized every day within user.com, which means that almost any changes that you make to your products in your estore will be reflected in your user.com app.

With each synchronization we update product data that has been changed.

If you want to synchronize your feed faster, go to Product Feeds and click “Synchronize all”.

From now on the changes to the products attributes in your estore, like change of availability or price, will be reflected in the user.com.

However, remember that product feed’s synchronization is used to update information about your products.

But you cannot for example delete a product from user.com app through product feed synchronization.

Even when the product has been deleted from your website and is no longer in your offer, it won’t automatically disappear from the user.com app.

So we’ve just covered adding product feeds through .xml.

Thanks for listening!

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