7 min read

9 practices how to recover abandoned carts

Written by
Kinga Edwards
Published on
October 3, 2023
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The onslaught of e-commerce has resulted in an unprecedented surge in abandoned carts. Unwitting shoppers cannot be excused for leaving their purchases behind, yet there is no guarantee once they have done so that they will ever return - rendering any sales made thus far inconsequential!

Despite the seemingly insurmountable nature of this conundrum, it's possible--through a judicious selection of solutions--to remedy such situations and ensure your business keeps its customers' patronage alive.

If you are aware of the phenomenon of abandoned cart, then chances are you've experienced it yourself. It is disconcerting to come across an unopened box or bag containing unfulfilled merchandise; likewise, it is perplexing how one could forget about such items when placing an order. Even more baffling is why these individuals never returned to complete their purchase if they took time out from doing so!

To remedy this quandary, below are some solutions for retailers who encounter abandoned carts.

1. Ask your customers why they abandoned their carts.

If you suspect an issue might have occurred during checkout, then it's prudent to inquire about the reasons why customers opted not to complete their transaction. This can reveal which areas of your website need tweaking or perhaps provide clues concerning product specifications that may have been misconstrued; additionally - it could even be possible that the customer simply forgot about the item after all!

To begin with, check out our guide on why customers leave their carts unpaid.

2. Add extra shipping and handling costs to the order.

In accordance with the parcel, remunerating additional costs of even cheap mailer boxes can be a beneficial way to ensure that your clients receive their products.

If you anticipate receiving a shipment of one hundred units within a given period, then it could behoove you to add an additional dollar for each one as an option for customers. This may seem insignificant yet could yield substantial revenues when multiplied across all orders; thus resulting in greater profits!

3. Send a coupon for a future purchase.

If a customer fails to complete an order, it may be prudent to issue a coupon for a future purchase via AI chatbots

Why not entice customers with the offer of a freebie? POD merch and other freebies could help them feel obligated to redeem their coupon, ensuring that they'll stick around and complete their order or buy from you again in the future.

4. Remind customers about the due date.

The policy of offering reminders to complete a purchase is an effective way to recover abandoned carts and keep your customer base happy. By virtue of their own volition, customers can be assured that they'll have ample time to make a decision before purchasing something.

Remind customers about their orders with automated emails, calls or text messages. This enables you to address the issue quickly and efficiently - without any fuss! If you use AI to help you with message, it is important to use tools to bypass AI detection to reduce potential risks.

5. Write a note about their return on it.

Don't leave it behind to rot in the corner - make sure that, if you cannot take something back into stock immediately, then don't forget to jot down a note explaining to your customer why.

By including this statement, customers can rest assured knowing that everyone involved is on the same page when it comes to both their continued patronage and their return policy.

6. Determine what went wrong and how to prevent it in the future.

If you've ever experienced an unexpected failure with your online store, chances are you faced a difficult decision on what to do next.

If customers abandon their carts, the causes can vary from one business to another. However, nearly all of them share the same common denominator - a poor experience that prompted customer dissatisfaction. In order to remedy this situation successfully and prevent it from reoccurring in future sales cycles you have to take action immediately!

Are you perplexed as to why some items went unsold? Here are a few potential reasons:

1. The item simply did not strike anyone's fancy; perhaps it was out-of-season or damaged beyond repair? Either way, these items should be removed form the catalogue and sold off at a discount.

2. There was simply not enough demand for that particular product type - think about it! If demand is still there yet supply is low then don't worry too much. Keep up those efforts and eventually sales will pick up again!

3. Perhaps your offering lacked sufficient variety among its offerings. This could range from having only one flavor of donut to just one color in stock. When items become tedious in the eyes of consumers then chances are they'll simply find something else to patronize instead!

7. See if you can sell their return to someone else (if you don’t want it back).

Many merchants allow returns, but at the discretion of management. If you see an item can be sold or donated to someone else, then it is prudent to take a look before purging it from your stock room.

Ensure that you sit down with your customer service team and create an email address for customers who want to make a refund.

Quick tip: Know that having a professional email signature can make this communication feel more trustworthy, increasing the chances of a successful resolution and turning returns into potential sales.

In some instances, customers may ask if they can return an item purchased from your store. Rather than just sending it back undisturbed, why not profit from those returns by making a sale?

8. Remarket your products on Facebook and any other platforms you have available to you.

If your products appear to be unused on a particular marketplace, there is still potential for remarketing them; this process involves displaying those products in users' newsfeeds.

Being able to enhance the visibility of your e-commerce offerings with Facebook ads can help you bring in new customers, even if they've abandoned their carts. An essential aspect of making these ads compelling is using high-quality product photos that truly represent the value of what you're selling. You can also use this strategy with Facebook ads software, which is easier to implement if you are running on a headless commerce platform, in order to increase sales and boost conversion rates from visitors who are yet undecided about making a purchase decision.

9. Consider offering a coupon code or freebie

If you can entice customers into checking out your e-commerce store with a freebie or coupon code, then you will certainly be able to boost sales and build trust when making purchases.

Offering a discount is a simple yet effective strategy for gaining more attention on your site and driving down cart abandonment.

Free shipping codes can prove especially impactful because they're essentially offering shoppers an incentive to make the purchase.


In the majority of cases, abandoning a purchase is a misguided act that can be detrimental to your business. Ultimately, it will likely result in decreased revenue and even drive customers away from leaving feedback regarding their experience. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that these transactions do not remain lost - instead utilize this article for ideas on how to successfully recover them!

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